Friday, January 22, 2016

Good Omens- A Review

Hey all! Ugh, I've done it again. Life has been semi-crazy so it has taken me a week to read a 369 page book. That's not normal in my world. I apologize for the delay in review! However, today is a pretty fun novel, so you should go pick up a copy if you don't already have it in your possession.

The book in question? Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I honestly forgot how I came across this read. It popped up on some feed of mine and I got caught up reading a summary. Next thing you know, I'm logging into goodreads and scanning several reviews. Needless to say, I picked up a copy from my local B&N, and the rest is history. I'm going to keep this short and sweet rather than ramble endlessly. This is a story I'd really like you to experience on your own without knowing too much about what lies ahead.

I'm a total sucker for a good footnote, so this book had me right at the first few pages. Take some aspects of Christianity, throw in a dice of dogma, sprinkle with some flaws of the human condition, and let a bit of witchcraft prophecy be the cherry on top, and you have Good Omens.

This tale read a bit like a Monty Python episode, and also a little like a Greek tragedy. The characters are witty and sarcastic, the plot borders on the absurd, yet the message is meaningful and powerful in the end (as it should be, right?).

The text jumped around a lot, so you had to pay attention to which characters you were dealing with for the moment (also, I suggest referring back to the cast list at the front of the book), but when it all comes to a head on Dooms Day, all the back-and-forth becomes worth it and absolutely pays off for all involved. As a silent observer to the madness, you have the benefit of getting numerous perspectives, so you're fortunate enough to take away more than one lesson from what you've read.

Even if this book doesn't initially seem quite your taste, it's worth it just for the last few paragraphs about a boy, his dog, an apple, and a hell of a lot of symbolism. Seriously, read this book!

My Final Rating: four out of five stars


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