Friday, February 5, 2016

Finding Fraser- A Review

Happy Friday, bibliophiles! I hope everyone is ready for a weekend of reading! My day started out quite snowy, but the office is quiet. I'm just counting down the hours until I can go curl up with another book. In the mean time, how about a review, eh?

Also, very quickly, I've been doing some thinking about this blog. It's kind of manifesting into its own creature, and I've been thinking about taking it into newer directions. Some ideas I thought of were more images and videos (book trailers and such via YouTube so you can get a visual), and also maybe some movie reviews for book-to-film adaptations? I figured they go hand-in-hand so why not go to that next level? I'd love some feedback if you'd be so kind! Anyway... I'm done rambling, so, review time (this time I promise)!!

Fans of Outlander and all things Jamie Fraser... BRACE YOURSELVES! Up today is a novel all you Sassenachs must have in your possession (if you haven't already done so). It's Finding Fraser by KC Dyer, and it is a-ma-ZING! Seriously, I've been fangirling over this book since the moment I knew of its existence and it absolutely did not disappoint! Considering how much I've been dying for a getaway myself lately, the story of Emma Sheridan and the journey she takes not only hit the spot, but also made me crave something new and exciting in my own life even more.

I can NOT say enough good things about this book. What a wonderful read! If you're a romantic, a reader, a dreamer, Outlander obsessed, writer, blogger, or an eternal wanderlust, or all of the above, this story is absolutely for you!

Emma is living the life I want to live (seriously, I crave her existence sooo badly). I'm not sure if I love her or hate her for just that reason. She's through with the mundane and routine that her life has become at the age of twenty-nine. She longs for a story of her own to tell, and a real-life book boyfriend by her side while she does it. Needless to say, she's not finding him in Chicago, so it was time to set out to greener pastures, and what better place than bonny Scotland!

She is indeed a brave girl. Faced with the unknown and traveling solo, she deals with and overcomes her fears and travels to a place she had only ever read about. In doing so, she finds a whole new life. A trip deemed crazy by those she knew back home wound up being her life-changing experience. She met interesting people along the way, learned about survival, became an un-official Scot, found a job, opened some doors across the globe, and searched for her Fraser.

This book just didn't go at all how I thought it would! I thought it would turn out like most romances do, and I wound up getting so much more than I bargained for and I'm thrilled! Considering I, myself, am stuck in the routine for now, it was fantastic to live vicariously through Emma and enjoy the history, culture, and people of Scotland all while remaining in the state of New Jersey.

Does she find her Fraser (as in the one and only Jamie Fraser)? You'll have to find out, but the most important thing to remember is that this book is about finding yourself first. Emma is my wannabe spirit animal and I can only hope that one day I find the courage she found to live my life to the fullest, do something crazy once in awhile, and just go with the flow. Until then, I'll just have to settle for pure envy!

My Final Rating: five out of five stars

Just as a PS- If you have not met James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser from the stunning Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, One, what are you waiting for?? Two (and lastly), this is what (or who, rather) you're missing:


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