Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5)- A Review

Good morning! I feel like I just gave an update, while at the same time, feel like I've been absent a bit. Life and work continues to interrupt my reading, but what can I do? I just make the best of it and enjoy my time with my characters when and as much as I can. So, without further ado, let's get on with the review. Are we really shocked that I'm discussing The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon? I didn't think so. It's the fifth in her Outlander series, and I'm in for the long haul.

As I'm sure I'll state every time, I adore this series. Even though this particular installment moved slower for me than the others, (hey, it had to happen sometime), it was not without its own thrills.
Keep in mind, when you read Diana's books, they are extremely detailed (seriously, she's even published companion books to serve as aides if needed while reading the series). Every word and punctuation mark is thoroughly researched and thought out, so when you fall into this world, you are thoroughly invested. That being said, heading into book six, these books have consumed me mind, body, and soul.

The birth of talk and ideas that led to the American Revolution are stirring, and Claire and Jamie find themselves in the middle of it along with their children and grandchildren. There's also a thieving, murdering pirate on the loose, an aunt with secrets from the past, murder, the return of beloved characters that were thought gone, and much more. When you open a novel of Mrs. Gabaldon's, you get your money's worth with romance, bloodshed, conflict, adventure, history, family, friends... you name it, it's in there for you to enjoy (I've even learned a bit of Gaelic and dabbled in colonial remedies).

I adore seeing Claire and Jamie as grandparents just as much as I love Brianna and Roger as parents. These characters I met in books one and two have grown like family to me and I've enjoyed the journey they've taken. They've all come such a long way, and while I still have three books left to enjoy them, (plus the series on STARZ.. who's complaining about some Sam Heughan action?) I will be thoroughly devastated when my time comes to part from their company. Considering Diana is still writing, my fingers are crossed I'll be with the Frasers and Mackenzies for a long time yet.

Aside from my above blurb of a paragraph, I've decided to keep this post rather short. Even though the books are so involved, and they've been out since the early 90s, I'm going to refrain from throwing in too many spoilers. I know more and more people are discovering these books now that the show is on television, so I don't want to ruin your own journey with the Fraser and MacKenzie clans.

Though most of this book discusses the day-to-day of life on Fraser's Ridge, there is plenty more to be offered. Several people have stated that this book drags on and is quite mundane. I can see their points, but for me, it just made it more real. Diana tells a fantastic story that includes the extraordinary, but also dabbles in everyday living. Not all eight books are going to be packed to the gills with non-stop drama, and I'm fine with that. I do enjoy the down time I get with Brianna and Roger or Claire and Jamie when they get to just be together at the end of the day and discuss their lives. That's where I really get to see what makes their characters and what keeps them together through the hard times and the good. There are no outside distractions during their quiet moments, so when I come across them in the story, I fully embrace that time as I play silent witness. That's what keeps me coming back to these stories and so eager to begin the next.

If you have not read this series yet, what are you waiting for? I'm not even done with all eight novels yet, but I can already say, it has skyrocketed up to my top five favorite book series. Don't hesitate! Go to your closest book shop and pick these up! Jamie and Claire are waiting to meet you!

My Final Rating: five out of five stars


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